Ledger® Wallet®: - Getting Started with Ledger

The "LEDGER® Live Wallet" GitBook provides comprehensive guidance on using Ledger Live, the official software application for managing Ledger hardware wallets. Here's an overview of

Ledger Live Wallet

The Ledger Live Wallet is the official application developed by Ledger, designed to complement Ledger hardware wallets. It provides a secure and user-friendly platform for managing a wide range of cryptocurrencies, from Bitcoin to Ethereum and beyond. With Ledger Live Wallet, users can securely store, send, receive, and manage their digital assets with ease.

Key Features of Ledger Live Wallet

1. Advanced Security Features

Security is the top priority of Ledger Live Wallet, offering several advanced features to safeguard your assets:

  • Secure Transactions: All transactions are signed within the secure environment of your Ledger hardware wallet, ensuring that your private keys remain protected.

  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Enhance security by enabling 2FA for your Ledger Live Wallet account.

  • Secure PIN Protection: Set up a secure PIN code to prevent unauthorized access to your wallet.

2. User-Friendly Interface

Ledger Live Wallet boasts a clean and intuitive interface, making it easy for users to manage their cryptocurrency portfolio:

  • Dashboard: Get an overview of your portfolio balance, recent transactions, and performance metrics.

  • Easy Navigation: Navigate between different sections of the app, including accounts, transactions, and settings, with ease.

  • Customizable Preferences: Customize your dashboard layout and preferences to suit your needs.

3. Extensive Cryptocurrency Support

Ledger Live Wallet supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including:

  • Ethereum (ETH) and ERC-20 tokens

  • Litecoin (LTC)

  • Ripple (XRP)

  • And many more...

This extensive support allows you to manage all your digital assets in one place.

4. Portfolio Management Tools

Manage your cryptocurrency portfolio effectively with Ledger Live Wallet's built-in tools:

  • Real-Time Balances: View up-to-date balances for all your supported assets.

  • Transaction History: Keep track of your transaction history, including incoming and outgoing transactions.

  • Portfolio Analytics: Analyze the performance of your portfolio with detailed charts and graphs.

5. Cross-Platform Accessibility

Ledger Live Wallet is available across multiple platforms, ensuring you can manage your assets from anywhere:

  • Desktop Application: Compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems.

  • Mobile Application: Available for both iOS and Android devices, allowing you to manage your portfolio on the go.

Setting Up Your Ledger Live Wallet

Step-by-Step Setup Guide

Getting started with Ledger Live Wallet is simple. Follow these steps to set up your wallet:

1. Download Ledger Live

  • Visit the Ledger website and download the Ledger Live application for your preferred platform.

  • Install the application on your device and launch it to begin the setup process.

2. Connect Your Ledger Device

  • Use the provided USB cable to connect your Ledger hardware wallet to your computer or mobile device.

  • Follow the on-screen instructions to initialize your Ledger device if you haven't already done so.

3. Install Apps for Your Cryptocurrencies

  • In the Ledger Live application, navigate to the "Manager" tab and install the apps for the cryptocurrencies you want to manage.

  • Follow the prompts to install each app onto your Ledger device.

4. Set Up Your Accounts

  • Once the apps are installed, navigate to the "Accounts" tab in Ledger Live.

  • Click "Add Account" and select the cryptocurrency you want to add.

  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the account setup process.

5. Secure Your Wallet

  • Set up a secure PIN code for your Ledger Live Wallet.

  • Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for an additional layer of security.

  • Write down your recovery phrase and store it in a safe place offline.

1. Sending Cryptocurrencies

To send cryptocurrencies using Ledger Live Wallet:

  • Open the Ledger Live application and connect your Ledger device.

  • Navigate to the "Send" tab and select the cryptocurrency you want to send.

  • Enter the recipient's address, the amount you want to send, and any additional details required.

  • Confirm the transaction details on your Ledger device and approve the transaction.

2. Receiving Cryptocurrencies

To receive cryptocurrencies:

  • Open the Ledger Live application and connect your Ledger device.

  • Navigate to the "Receive" tab and select the cryptocurrency you want to receive.

  • Copy your receiving address and share it with the sender.

  • Once the transaction is confirmed, the funds will appear in your Ledger Live Wallet.

Advantages of Ledger Live Wallet

1. Enhanced Security

Ledger Live Wallet offers best-in-class security features, ensuring your digital assets are protected against unauthorized access and cyber threats.

2. User-Friendly Interface

With its intuitive interface and easy navigation, Ledger Live Wallet is suitable for both beginners and experienced cryptocurrency users.

3. Comprehensive Portfolio Management

Manage all your digital assets in one place, with access to real-time balances, transaction history, and portfolio analytics.


The Ledger Live Wallet is the ultimate solution for securely managing your cryptocurrency portfolio. With its advanced security features, user-friendly interface, and extensive cryptocurrency support, Ledger Live Wallet provides peace of mind and convenience for cryptocurrency enthusiasts of all levels.

Last updated